2020 EVENTS are temporarily postponed...
“Initially attracted to the Hawaiian appeal of the “Aloha Playcenter” brochure, I registered for Linda Miki’s Transformation Playshop because it was time do something about living a more inspired life. Many hours of my day are spent sitting at a computer chasing trivial deadlines and it’s anything but inspiring. I’ve reached a time in my life that finding something to do that’s meaningful to me is a top priority, and this playshop was a soulful way to get started on my journey toward change. Having Linda Miki lead the group with her positive and passionate influence - along with her insightful recommendations and guidance – gave me the tools and confidence to see that anything is possible with the right frame of mind. Her guided visualization was an amazing experience! If you’re longing for inspiration in any chapter of your life, this playshop will serve you well.
S.M., Petaluma
Aloha Playcenter offers the synergy of transformation through group events. For over 14 years, we've used the Power of Play to tap into each individual's true spirit and childlike creativity. Playshops, Playspas, Playdates and Vision Quest Retreats are about interactive, multi-sensory learning, via play and exploration, which can lead to profound transformation. Instead of focusing on "work" and the resistance that it triggers, we focus on "play" and the natural opening that it creates for learning and self-exploration. These are primarily group events that often augment coaching strategies. Playshops, Playspas and Playdates can be stand alone events or incorporated into weekly seminars, focused weekend retreats and more concentrated Catalyst Vision Quests.
PLay is the way to live inspired... Play well and enjoy this day!